Homemaking 🌷 13: Secret to Motivation (part 2)

 Homemaking 🌷 13: Secret to Motivation (part 2)

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In the previous post, I mentioned that motivation usually doesn't take place before we get to work. This is because motivation usually emerges once you've built enough experiences, and success after multiple tries/failures, which is more like the equation for confidence building.

To summarize it, there are 2 ways to make motivation to happen:

1) If your willpower is extremely strong, and absolutely believe that your action/project will lead you to a better result than your current life = motivation comes before project.

2) You don't have motivation, therefore find a goal that overpowers all of your concerns, worries, and fear, then dive into action. Action will then become your motivation and momentum = motivation happens along project.

Either way, you will get there, and better is waiting for you. Action does speak louder than words. 

In this post, I'll share how I found my motivation, using my wardrobe as an example.

Picture on the left, is a dresser gifted to us as a wedding gift from a relative.

After a few years of using it, the top had always been just a clutter magnet, you know how we wear something once, and may wear again before washing, therefore cannot be tucked inside until then.

Link to dressers

Link to drawer dividers

There were 4 issues here:
(1) Visual unpleasantness: Dresser top is always messy causing visual distraction
(2) The upper half of the space was unoccupied and could've been utilized
(3) Guilt: It could make me feel guilty if I got ride of it or made replacement because it was a gifted item.
(4) Emotional stress: All above the above lead to frustration.

So the issues have been laid out, and the solution I concluded, was to change the organizing method, but switching from a closed style (dresser) to open style (open dresser).
This plan would resolve (1), (3), and (4), so the last thing I needed to work on was (3) the guilt, but it wasn't so hard because this 1 idea, was going to solve 4 issues, so I might as well go for it, because if I weighed the value of stress-free (solving 1,2,4) life vs the guilt (holding onto 3 and give up 1,2,4), then I definitely choose being stress free.

Here is the after, much better right!?

As for how I explained about letting go of the dresser to my husband and the gift giver, I just stayed straight forward and open, I told them that I couldn't use the dresser as intended, and felt that the open style to work better. The dresser was given to another relative (if no one had taken it, I could've simply donated), so everyone is actually happy. 

If you come across a similar situation and and have a hard time finding motivation, your best bet is to make logical approaches, rather than emotional, because emotions will only be the anchor, where as logics will be your booster.

Bonus tip:

Here is a secret that no one really mentions, because in most of the cases, frequently asked questions are about how to start the project, rather than the after stories of the success. 

After a large scale project is completed, people usually get a kind of awakening.

Many discover new hobbies or develop new passions, because the result is so life changing, that a whole new world opens up in front of them.

In my case, after I've reached to the level of organized/decluttered home I aimed, I decided to start out a new journey towards happy & youthful aging (I'm in my mid 30s, and I wanna be able to enjoy the youthfulness as I am today when I turn 60-70, to be able to play chase with my grandkids or do a split or cartwheels. It's never too early to start!)

See my Joyful Body Series 🌷 Fasting, Paleo diet, Workout

Working on clutter is merely tip of the the iceberg, there is so much wonder that's bound to happen once your get your home under control!

Stay tuned for more tips!

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