Homemaking Tips 🌷 14: Cleaning tools (part 3)

 Homemaking Tips 🌷 14: Cleaning tools (part 3)

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This is cleaning tools - part 3, for 1 and 2, see these articles:

Homemaking Tips 🌷 10: Cleaning tools (part 1)

Homemaking 🌷 11: Cleaning tools (part 2)

What is your relationship with cleaning?

Is it something that you look forward to, or something you want to postpone as much as possible?

Cleaning, to me, always sounded like the task that no one wants to do, so historically the mom/wife kind of always ends up doing regardless of our will.

It didn't bring excitement, enjoyment, or encouragement, just another type of chore that we do sooner or later..

until I decluttered my home all the way, where I started the living-current life style, and cleaning became miraculously and incredibly easy, even exciting for that matter.

These posts show are proofs of how much easier cleaning got:

Homemaking 🌷 6: Defining "Home"

Homemaking 🌷 13: Secret to Motivation (part 2)

Living in a messy/cluttered home before, felt like my mind was constantly busy and distracted.

After I gave a thorough reset, my home felt much more peaceful, and I finally realized that I needed the help of a clean home to keep me focused, in order to do my work from home, parenting, homeschooling, and even my latest hobby - workout at home.

We cannot underestimate the value of a clean home, it almost gives us infinitive productivity..!

Here are the the cleaning steps I'm sharing today - Bathroom mirror and the faucet.

Bathroom mirror - Before

We use this area at least 3 times a day, and that times the number of people at home.

The usage can get the mirror dirty pretty quickly with water and facial/hair products. 

Each time I notice these spots, try to wipe them off right away, because there's no point of waiting to clean later, since it'll only get worse.

I either use paper towel or baby wipes (I have a toddler) for this type of cleaning.

and here is the after .!!✨✨✨ I love the feel of spotlessness (even if it's for a short period of time)

Next comes the faucet. Here's the before.

As usual, I use a wipe for the larger surfaces.
For the hard to reach areas, I use a dedicated toothbrush like this.

and voila! ✨✨ 

I usually do cleaning in the morning, before working hours start, because it gives me a really good reset and gears up my focus for the day.

The action of cleaning and the feeling of the spotlessness (even if it's for a short period of time), is something almost divine. 

Through the physical cleaning process, I'm also cleaning my head, and at the end of the session, my head and heart feel cleaner and clearer too.

Stay tuned for more inspirations!

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