Homemaking Tips 🌷 12: Secret to Motivation (part 1)

Homemaking Tips 🌷 12: Secret to Motivation (part 1) 

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There's nothing as powerful, AND, frail, as our willpower.

We rely heavily on such a thing as motivation whenever we face a new task.

Wouldn't it be great of we knew what kind of food or beverage converts well as motivational energy, so we won't have to wait for it to occur and lead the way?

What exactly is motivation, and why is it so hard to find it from within, when it comes to homemaking, organizing, or cleaning? 

Let us take things from a different perspective - - - 

Do we need motivation, when we:

Get up in the morning and open up the curtains?

Brush our teeth?

Change our clothes?

Make our morning beverage?

I believe the answer is no for most/all of the above.

Why is that? The answer is simply because we've built all these habits as daily routines, since childhood, and we no longer need to seek advice or guidance, to do these basic tasks.

Also, these actions are taken with purposes: 

Open the curtains so we can let sunlight in.

Brush teeth for oral hygiene and get rid the bacteria.

Change clothes so we'll get ready for work or whoever we're heading to.

Make beverage to wake ourselves up. 

Each of these tasks fulfills a purpose. While it almost sounds like a lot to do within a short period of time in the morning, most of us still manage to do it, without thinking or planning ahead of time, and of course spare unnecessary minutes in waiting for motivation - - all because they're part of our routines already.

Here is a corner I worked on in 2019. 

This was the year I gave birth to my 2nd baby and had a couple months of maternity leave, and I came across Marie Kondo's magic of tidying up. 

They say a lightbulb-moment, but I call her inspiration a lightning-moment. 
Her concept about tidying up was so shocking, I immediately jumped into action, because I envisioned peace and happiness at the end of my project, and that was my purpose, which lead to my motivation.

Before = Cluttered space
After = Open space for family activities! 

I then did another retouch like this, it's ok to keep modifying according to our needs :)

White rug because it reflects light and makes the room appear more spaceious.

I now use this open space for workout at home!

As you can see, I was able to identify a logical reason in removing all the circled items, instead of debating inside my head, and worry about the "what if I need it later", "but I paid $xxx for this", "what if I regret later", because all these concerns were not worth it before my envisioned goal, which overpowered all the troubles.

I simply trusted the end result, it worked, and I'm still at it with with my job, housework, parenting, all aspects in life. 

Find out what happened to the desk in this post:
Homemaking Tips 🌷 14: Home office & Homeschool setups

So when you cant find your motivation, change it to your purpose.

Find the purpose, and envision the result for your project, and what benefits or merits you'll get out of it. 

If there are more benefits in tackling your project, for a better chance to move on with your life, then you have no more reason to wait and worry, just get your muscles going!

The truth is, waiting for motivation, will not physically make any changes or improvements to what you see in front of you. Only your muscles can do the job. This is applicable to every person out there. 

Unless for severe physical incapability, it's only our mindset that's stopping us, not another person or things itself.

If we had the time and passion to type out how much we're desperation for a big motivation, then we might as well use those for actual work and make progress happen. 

Stay tuned for more tips!

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  1. Thank you for the thoughts on understanding motivation & purpose.


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