Joyful Body π· 11: Shaping moves (part 1)
Joyful Body π· 11: Shaping moves (part 1)
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Good day - how are your routines going?
In parts 1 - 10, I've written about my motivation on why I started IF, workout, and Paleo kind of diet - - which is for all for aging healthily and see how agile I can still be when I retire 30-40 years from now. (I'm currently in my 30s.)
Highlight reads:
Body π· 5: How 16/8 intermittent fasting works
Body π· 9: My snacks (part 1)
It's indeed a very long term project, but in order to achieve the kind of young appearance and strong physique, I have to do all of these "maintenances" now. It's never too early to start, in fact this makes the perfect time to do all these, as I have extra hours everyday, from not needing to commute, since work in office changed to work from home.
I consider myself an optimistic person, but even on a peaceful day, something unexpectedly dangerous could happen, so I'll want to at least be able to protect myself or run for myself from danger, especially regardless of my age.
That's the overall picture.
So in today's post, I'll be sharing the fitness moves that I do.
My BMI went from 22 in 2019 to 19 in 2021.
This was not achieved by 16/8 IF, Paleo diet, or exercise alone, but the combination of all of them together, as my routines that I continuously have been practicing.
The IF Paleo diet is done everyday, and workout is done every other day.
Here is a before & after of my 2019 vs 2020.
In this post, I'll introduce the moves I do with leg weights.
When I initially started, I had 2lb / 1kg weight on each of my legs.
The pictures are taken just recently, and I have 2 x 5lb (2.26kg) on each of my legs.
↑ Jumping jacks x 40 (picture is still but I'm jumping when I exercise.)
↑ Pushups 20 x 5 sets = 100
(I was only able to do about 5 on day 1)
↑ Leg lifting: 20 on the left, 20 on the right.
This is really effective for thigh & butt slimming & lifting, also strengthens thighs.
↑ Left and right leg lifting 20 x 5sets, rest then repeat 2 more sets (total of 15 sets).
This is great as an ab workout, also increases thigh strength, so even if my BMI went down, my body strength is sustained.
I can't do sit-ups because my tailbone sticks out, and it'd hurt when I raise up my upper body.
If you're finding losing weight being difficult, then adding exercises is the key, because if we eat a decent amount of meals/calories even with short eating windows, our bodies could still be just absorbing the nutrition and have nowhere to release the energy, therefore metabolism or autophagy won't kick in as much, where as if we add workouts, our bodies will not only get stronger, but also get to use all the energy from food, to promote better nutrition/energy cycles, to improve metabolism, autophagy and growth hormone.
(I'm not a health expert, these are what I watched/read online, then practiced myself, and my results do match what the resources have stated, it just takes time and full commitment for each individual to be able to tell.)
Exercises also increase serotonin (the chemical for happiness), so it's nothing but merits, and I have been prove it with my pictures and words in this blog.
Stay tuned for more fitness ideas!
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