Homemaking Tips 🌷 5: Streamline it

 Homemaking Tips 🌷 5: Streamline it

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Confession: My desk during my school years, was loaded with piles of unidentifiable clutter. If I traveled back in time and stood next to my student self, I'd probably go speechless, and start removing all the distractions from the desk without saying a word (I now know doing something about a problem is actually easier than getting mad lol)

Fast forward about a decade later, now that I'm a full-time working mom of 2 active little kids, it became a crucial life skill, to develop methods for me to enjoy organizing, cleaning, declutter, so I can better spend my time and energy in encouraging my kids to do their messy playing, to expand their abilities, instead of yelling to stop or restricting their fun activities for the sake of saving myself from cleaning up.

With creative thinking, everyone can benefit.

The tip I'm sharing today, is that having a streamlined layout, can increase motivation for organizing, visual pleasantness and safety as well.

This is the kitchen area taken as of 2021, and yes that little table is where meals are eaten. It may sound untraditional but there are logics behind this layout. My kids for some reason love playing in this area, even though there are other rooms dedicated for playing. We rarely sit down for meals (with my fasting, I only need 5 min to eat, standing in totally ok, since I work on the stand up desk as well. When my husband is really the only person who sits though any meal, and my 2 kids don't take up space even if they sat by the table, so everything is taken into calculation, and the table space is enough in terms of eating.) 
Now that I've identified the main function of this area being more of a playing room than a place to sit down for meals, my objective is to minimize the space of the shelves and table to maximize the room for activities.
The table is actually one of those for decorative purposes, but it's still a table and the depth is exactly the same as the shelves, and I was able to create the streamline look for this area.

Less surface area also means less things go on it, and of course less cleaning, so there's more advantage in keeping things compact for my current lifestyle.

By not situating the table in the middle, there's also no need to walk around anything, and less accidents can happen too (kids bumping their head or adults bumping their legs.)

I find streamlined arrangements very useful and definitely encourage you to give it a try if you're thinking about doing rearrangements, downsizing, or moving, it also makes your space look bigger because nothing odd is sticking out. 

Similar to the idea that I mentioned in a separate article, Capsule wardrobe 🌷 5, the key to enjoy the process, is to live based on the current lifestyle, so this kitchen setup is to accommodate 2021's lifestyle that I currently have with my family, and is of course bound to evolve as time progresses.

Stay tuned for more tips! 

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