Homemaking Tips 🌷 3: How many things do we have?

Homemaking Tips 🌷 3: How many things do we have?

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Fun fact: An average American home contains about 300,000 items. (Source)

The number can of course be different depending on the number of residents and the size of homes, personalities, hobbies, etc, but nonetheless, even a family of four with 100,000 items (that's 25,000 per person) still sounds quite a lot,

In today's post, I'm sharing a really quick and down-to-earth tip, that we all should be reminded.

The size of our home is usually based on how many people live in it, so each person supposedly has enough storage / shared spaces for their basic needs.

If there are things that cannot fit in the basic storage/shared spaces, then they might simply be your excessive items, because your basic needs have already taken up all of the storage spaces. It's simple math, once you go over the 100% cap, anything beyond indicates having more than needed, wouldn't you say?

When we have excess, we can do either one of the following:

(1) Get more storage units to organize the excess


(2) Try to consume the excess and bring the amount of things back to 100% or less.

The choice is up to each individual, (1) is suitable for those who don't mind spending a little more in order to keep the excess, in case they might become useful in the future, and (2) is recommended for those who want to be time (less maintenance) & cost (no purchase of additional storage or keep buying excess) efficiency. 

As I stated in one of my previous posts, it's surfaces areas should be be reserved for designated activities, not temporary shelters for things that have no home, otherwise, we may inadvertently spend our precious minutes looking for something that's buried in the piles of excess.

Stay tuned for more ideas and tricks!

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